
Websites and documents that I find interesting, educational, or inspirational
I first discovered John’s site through his archive of information about bridges in Minnesota. You could easily spent a couple hours browsing through topics from aviation to computers to filming locations.
Mehret’s newsletter, Time Spent Offline, was an inspiration for me to start my own site/blog. I love their way of writing and appreciate their focus on attention as something that should be valued and considered.
I am a sucker for any catalogue that covers a niche topic. If you live in MN, take a moment to find out how many water towers are in your city!
Make sure you check this site out before your next drive! There also might be an attraction in your city that you never knew was there.
Searchable database of all full operas recorded on video as well as concerts, documentaries, interviews and movies related to opera, composers and singers.
HiFi Engine library database contains model information and images, along with owners manuals, service manuals and product catalogues for amplifiers, pre-amplifiers, power-amplifiers, equalizers, processors, tape decks, tuners, CD players and loudspeakers etc
List of activities to do offline, instead of surfing.

Fun activities catalogue
The Centre for Clinical Intervention in Western Australia has this posted in their depression resources. They have a lot of helpful worksheets for various issues that I have found helpful, linked here.