Taking it all in

I am back! In January, I was so excited to write here all the time. I was also excited about all the events that were coming up in my life. I should’ve seen a conflict coming!

Life has been GREAT. Lately, I have seen a lot of hard work pay off. Goals I had set for myself in January are going well, I’m certainly using a lot of exclamation points! As I wrap up my college career, I am trying my best to take it all in. So many important events have happened this year, and I have a lot to look forward to.

Some things I am proud of, highlights, and recent events:

  • Won a marketing competition through my college
  • Was invited to join music honors society, Pi Kappa Lambda
  • Made a video for my internship that turned out great
  • Traveled to Minneapolis, St. Louis, and Denver with my amazing friends
  • Got a full-time job!
In my element, after forcing my friends to check out the local public library on a band tour.

Until next time (which won’t be 2 months!),

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