
This is the first post of my first blog. It’s the first day 2024, and I decided today was finally the day I get started!

Below are some reasons I started this blog:

  1. I wanted a consolidated place to organize all my thoughts, lists, opinions, etc. for myself. With that being said, this blog doesn’t have a specific target audience. If you like what you see, great! Please come back soon. If not, hope you have a great day and find something better to read.
  2. I have been looking for a project to start for this month. I am coming up on an important transitional period in my life, and thought this would offer some stability.
  3. For the past year, I have slowly stopped using most social media (a journey I’m still on) and it’s been the a great decision. However, I have been craving an outlet to post about the happenings in my life. Starting this blog is a way I can post to the masses and avoid the scrolling at the same time.

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